Volkswagen California is one of the best known camping cars. From this 30-year-old model, the manufacturer offers a wealth of unique models. The entire model family started from the transformation of a Transporter in 1951, thanks to the Westfalia company for mobile homes. California has already been named by Volkswagen - this remarkable event now has an important anniversary since these models came out in the Volkswagen palette in 1988. mer
Hungary was ranked among the 10 best investment destinations in the world, and ranked at two other levels in the best regions, according to the report of the Site Selection Global Best to Invest 2018 (source: Magyar Idők). The National Investment Agency (HIPA) became the price the best investment agency in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. mer
According to a research by and, nowadays real estate of the Balaton region grew by 15-20%, said Mr. László Balogh, the leading economic expert by It has become a general trend that many people are planning to buy a holiday home, which will bring prices at the same time more and more higher. mer
Countless developments will start in the southwestern area of the lake Balaton, further enhancing the attractiveness of the area. In addition to Keszthely and Gyenesdiás, the city of Hévíz can get new dynamics through various real estate developments and it is expected that investors will discover the spa town as well. mer
Hungary is already one of the 15 most secure countries in the world today, but the government of the state has given the goal of moving into the TOP10 - according to the government press conference in July 2017. This is a great success that Hungary was able to take 15th place among 163 countries in terms of safety. mer
Services and commercial life of the town are expected to be boomed by the constructional investment that is to be accomplished in the Libás area of Keszthely, which is going to extend the Eastern part of Keszthely with a new quality shoreline. The approximately 2.5 hectare large area situated between the Phoenix Marina and Hotel Via is going to be built in with five ship shaped, three-floor buildings containing 175 apartments altogether, 35 apartments per block, each apartment of 60 to 100 square metres with balcony. mer
An unprecedented and comprehensive, more than 300 billion HUF development programme was announced by the government for the prosperity of the Balaton region from EU and domestic financial resources. The programme targeting tourism development, economy and innovation, water quality and water safety, transportation, regional development and the labour market is of immense significance, whose long-term and advantageous effect in the region is indisputable. mer
This years Aviation high season was launched by the landing of the first Lufthansa Canadair jet which was taken off in Frankfurt and arrived in Hungary at Héviz-Balaton Airport with 77 passengers aboard.Last year the Sármellék-situated Aerodrome was used by 33,000 passengers, which rate they would also like to keep this year or even make an increase, in accordance with possibilities. mer
According to the 2014 Guest Traffic Datas Héviz has maintained its leading role in domestic tourism. It remains the most visited destinations in the country, the world''s largest known natural thermal lake spa town. Last year no less than 1,066.035 room nights were registered at Héviz out of which 982,760 ones were spent at various commercial accomodations (hotels,guesthouses and campsites) while rest were spent at private accomodations. mer
Mr. Gábor Széles intends to further improve the Héviz-Balaton Airport at Sármellék with the establishment or settlement of a new Air-Company and with a fresh 140-150 Million Euro-Investment. The great Entrepreneur signed the Contract of Purchasing the Assets of the former Airport. mer
Gábor Széles and Robert Trent Jones Jr. open a brand new International Golf Course at Zalacsány "It will even be attracting a good deal of International High Class Players from all around the World" -said Mr Robert Trent Jones,the world-famous Golf Course Designer,who visited Zala County yesterday. mer
From this autumn on there is a Budapest-Dubai charter taken – off every day, which can deliver more than 3,800 passengers a week. It was just a short time ago reported in Dubai that Emirates Airline will start a daily charter flight between Budapest and Dubai. The new air connection is starting up on the 27th of October and makes several cities of Asia, the Near East and Australia, what is more even Rio De Janeiro and Buenos Aires available with just very short changing times. mer
10,000 guest-beds,1,08 million guest-nights per year,164 units of catering and entertainment and 264 shops plus one international airport are all waiting for guests at Héviz who can from the 28th of this July also reach the West-Balaton region by using CSA flights from Praag. First time this year, soon a new direct flight between Prague and Héviz-Lake Balaton will be started which-according to plans-will be flying passengers until the middle of November. mer
This year’ s charter season started at the airport in Sármellék in the middle of April. Flights came from Frankfurt of the Lufthansa Regional, and from Friedrichshafen of the InterSky. First 70 passangers arrived from Frankfurt in Hévíz-Balaton Airport. The German passangers were greeted by Gábor Papp, the Mayor of Hévíz and Henry Reutel, the director of Lufthansa. mer
A through service between Moscow to Sármellék is coming into operation from the 23rd of this March. Planes taking off from Vnukovo Airport now will be directly landing at Sármellék Balaton Airport-published on the 10th of February by the Air Traffic Journal,Airline Route. Utair will fly a flight to Sármellék on every Sundays, using Boing 737-800 type of Airplanes. mer
The "TOP 50", the newest publication about the fifty most influential people of Hungarian Tourism-among whom Gábor Papp,The Mayor of Héviz is also listed-was issued by " TurizmusKft." (Tourism Ltd.) and introduced at the 22nd Award Giving Gala and Year Opening Reception. The centre theme of the whole Gala was tailored around this special issue,the Top 50,in which the top 50 biggest experts of National Tourism are introduced who were with the greatest influence to the Touristic Industry in 2013. mer
Planned highlighted developments of Hévíz for the term from 2014 to 2020 CULTURAL AND CONFERENCE CENTER According to the plans the central part of Hévíz – now replaced by a football field - could be an ideal place for the new Cultural Center of the town. The planned facility would serve also as an International standard venue for conferences. mer
Further developing the Hévíz-Balaton Airport, which is owned by the Hévíz Municipality. After the low-cost flights provided by Air Baltic, Wizz Air seems to appear at Sármellék, too. In 2013 the passenger traffic had increased by 25,000 instead of the previous year’s figure of 14,000. In the last 1-2 years a significant number of Russian guests have found their ways to Hévíz, so they have also generated a significant increase in traffic at the airport. mer
Several Balaton Uplands settlements did not want to be included in the World Heritage List. Therefore, Hévíz starts alone in the competition. It might take long years to reach this goal. Hévíz would like to be admitted to the World Heritage List again. The topic came up more than a decade ago, but so far only in words. mer
Keszthely will have the most beatiful shore of Lake Balaton – insisted Jenő Manninger M.P. the President of the Assembly of Zala Country and Róbert Pálinkás Deputy Mayor of Keszthely on a Press Conference. The second phase of the development of Lake Balaton has started. Walkers can meet again construction areas on the shore, beacause of the construction of another large project. mer
The President of the meeting council Madzslisz as-sura of Saudi Arabia visited Hévíz during his staying in Hungary. Abdallah as-Sheikh and his entourage was welcomed by Gábor Papp, the Mayor and József Janos Kepli, the Deputy Mayor in the Town Hall. The Mayor had held a presentation about the town of Hévíz for the guests, in the middle of it were issues the Lake and therapy. mer
East-Central Europe’s largest tourism investment is being prepared by Gábor Széles. One 160 - acre golf course, a 200 room hotel, a 9,000 – square – foot spa center and a Golfvillage consists of 400 villas, all will have a place in the Zala Springs project – said by Gábor Széles the owner of ’’ Magyar Hírlap (a Hungarian news paper). mer
Walking along the streets of downtown in Hévíz in the evening, we can see middle-aged and elderly tourists peacefully window-shopping and we can often hear Russian words. Hévíz has always been loud with foreign words, before German was on the first place, but now Cyrill letters can be seen on business signs, on menus, shop- windows. mer
After having carried out its plans of this year her supply might be widen with further East and Central European flights – the head of the Balaton Airport informed the MTI. Attila Benkő, the Excutive Director of the company owned by the Council of Hévíz said that after the 13,700 passenger traffic of last year, this year a 25,000 traffic of arriving and departing passengers is planned at Sármellék, where until now 24,500 travellers have turned at, and in the last days of December three, while carrying over into first two weeks of January yet ten other Russian charter planes are to be arriving for the Orthodox Christmas. mer
In the recent years guests are arriving in bigger and bigger numbers from the Markets targeted by the Council of Héviz-mainly from East Asia-said the mayor of the resort to MTV (a Hungarian TV Chanel) reporters. Gábor Papp a FIDESZ-KDNP (the name of two Hungarian Parties) supporter recalled that the expressed aim of the council-founded in 2010-was the completion of the then starting ring ofvisitors with a new guest circle, and such, the efforts of the last three years has already come with good results. mer
Since the approved the aim country status Hungary has been waiting for ten years for Chinese tourist flow to us. The Goverment present measures orientating eastward awaken hope in many concerning the powerful increase of Chinese entry. One of which ’ hardships is optaining visa. The Major events of the last weeks in briefs: Budapest has become the regional center of tourism of the Eastern and Central Europe-China Cooperation. mer
Nye direkteruter fra Moskva til Hévíz fra 14.04.2013 Ordføreren i Hévíz har signert kontrakt med russiske Tour Operator Vedi om nye direkteruter mellom Hévíz og Moskva. Fra 14.01.2013 ankommer 2 charter Hévíz Balaton internasjonale lufthavn hver uke. Vedi turer har fokus på å bringe turister med medisinsk behov til Hévíz, og dette passer godt med planene til byen Hévíz, som fokuserer på å være et første klasses «medisinsk turiststed» for fremtiden. mer
Andre etappe starter i Egregy-Hévíz vingård De populære vinmarkene i Hévíz blir stadig bedre. Utviklingen startet allerede i fjor, da man pusset opp de opprinnelige romerske ruinene. Det verdensberømte spaet i Héviz fortsette prosjektet og koble vingården med moderne turist attraksjon og gastronomie og kultur arv. mer
Ordføreren i Hévíz har den 28.02.2013 undertegnet en avtale med Air Baltic flyselskaper om å opprette flyforbindelse mellom Riga og Hévíz i de neste 3 år. Første fly går 04.05.2013, og etter dette hver lørdag i sommersesongen. Fra Russland og Skandinavia det er lett å nå Riga og derfra er det nå lett å komme seg til Heviz og Balaton og eiendommene rundt. mer
Hévíz behandler de russiske turistene godt På slutten av 2012 landet nesten 600 russiske turister på Hévíz Balaton airport. De fleste av dem kom for å besøke Hévíz og den berømte spa. Boeing734-400 fra Moskovia Airlines landet 29. og 30. desember, etter denne 02. og 05. i januar. Turister ble ønsket velkommen i henhold til de russiske tradisjonene med salt, brød og Palinka (ungarsk shot). mer
Próbaüzemben, négycsillagos egységként már vendégeket fogad Hévízen a Hunguest Hotels új szállodája, amely hosszú évekig volt bezárva és mára újjászületett - mondta a hotel igazgatója az MTI-nek. Joós Adél kifejtette: a Hotel Mirage az 1970-es évektől a szomszédos Hotel Panoráma kétcsillagos B épületeként üzemelt, de a tulajdonos Hunguest Hotels 2006-ban eladta. mer
Sheiken besøkte Ungarn og Hévíz i November 2012. Han ble ønsket velkommen av ordføreren i Hévíz, og sammen besøkte de det vakre området i Hévíz og omegn, den verdensberømte termiske innsjøen og de ulike terapi-sentre. Sheiken var veldig interessert, og sa han ville fremme Hévíz i den arabiske verden, og presentere de medisinske turismemulighetene for arabiske turister i neste sesong mer
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