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Quality & Comfort
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  • Quality & Comfort
  • The best region in Europe to invest
  • Holiday homes around Lake Balaton
  • Hotels and boarding houses for sale
New built

Properties with view

Hévíz properties

The continuously maintained and tastefully furnished family house is for sale in Hévíz, which town is really popular for tourists .
Balaton properties

Impressive property - standing under historical building protection - in the heart of Tihany is for sale.
For more information please contact our sales colleagues!
Commercial properties

It is a very precisely built and constructed family house with a wonderful panorama for sale. 
Comfort is the first thing in a person's life, so the swimming pool located under the terrace can fully serve the feeling of those who live there.
Best value

It is an unique, an original Transylvanian wooden house for sale, built with limestone from Tardos and wood from Transylvania.
Properties with privacy

For sale is a high-quality renovated and refurbished family house in a quiet but central location near the popular and much visited thermal spa of Zalakaros.
Traditional properties

High quality family house is for sale with panoramic view to the Lake Balaton and a golf court!
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