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Unique motorhome - Volkswagen California Balaton Edition

  Volkswagen California is one of the best known camping cars. From this 30-year-old model, the manufacturer offers a wealth of unique models. The entire model family started from the transformation of a Transporter in 1951, thanks to the Westfalia company for mobile homes. California has already been named by Volkswagen - this remarkable event now has an important anniversary since these models came out in the Volkswagen palette in 1988. больше

International recognition - Hungary among the best investment destination countries in the world

https://hipa.hu/kezdolap  Magyarországot a világ tíz legjobb befektetési célországa közé sorolták a szakemberek, régiós szinten pedig két kategóriában is győztes pozíciót szerzett a Site Selection Global Best to Invest 2018 jelentése alapján (forrás: Magyar Idők). A Nemzeti Befektetési Ügynökség (HIPA) pedig a Kelet-Európa és Közép-Ázsia legjobb befektetési ügynöksége címet nyerte el. больше

The newest developments of the Balaton region

  Az ingatlan.com és a hirbalaton.hu felmérése szerint mintegy 15-20 százalékkal drágultak a Balaton környékén elhelyezkedő ingatlanok – nyilatkozta Balogh László, az ingatlan.com vezető gazdasági szakértője. Általánossá vált tendencia, hogy sokan terveznek nyaralóvásárlást, ami egyidejűleg felviszi az árakat is. больше

New investment destination - Hévíz and its surroundings

Hévíz, Széchenyi street  Countless developments will start in the southwestern area of the lake Balaton, further enhancing the attractiveness of the area. In addition to Keszthely and Gyenesdiás, the city of Hévíz can get new dynamics through various real estate developments and it is expected that investors will discover the spa town as well. больше

Hungary is among the safest countries

Hungary is already one of the 15 most secure countries in the world today, but the government of the state has given the goal of moving into the TOP10 - according to the government press conference in July 2017. This is a great success that Hungary was able to take 15th place among 163 countries in terms of safety. больше

Keszthely Bay gets enriched with luxury properties

Services and commercial life of the town are expected to be boomed by the constructional investment that is to be accomplished in the Libás area of Keszthely, which is going to extend the Eastern part of Keszthely with a new quality shoreline. The approximately 2.5 hectare large area situated between the Phoenix Marina and Hotel Via is going to be built in with five ship shaped, three-floor buildings containing 175 apartments altogether, 35 apartments per block, each apartment of 60 to 100 square metres with balcony. больше

Balaton development programme

An unprecedented and comprehensive, more than 300 billion HUF development programme was announced by the government for the prosperity of the Balaton region from EU and domestic financial resources. The programme targeting tourism development, economy and innovation, water quality and water safety, transportation, regional development and the labour market is of immense significance, whose long-term and advantageous effect in the region is indisputable. больше

Exclusive Immobilien

Exclusive Immobilien
H-8380 Hévíz, Jókai u. 16.
Tel.: (+36) 83 540 444
Mobil: (+36) 30 246 0032
Mobil: (+36) 30 216 2474
Email: nemeth@hevizimmo.com

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