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Planned highlighted developments of Hévíz

Planned highlighted developments of Hévíz  for the term from 2014 to 2020
According to the plans the central part of Hévíz – now replaced by a football field - could be an ideal place for the new Cultural Center of the town. The planned facility would serve also as an International standard venue for conferences.  This area located nearby the hotels and the spa would entail a major growth opportunity for the town. In the centre of the planned development will be housed a two-story building, with several smaller rooms, and large plenary hall with capacity for a 1000 people. In terms of size and technical facilities the new center would be unique in the region. The Council of Hévíz’s ambition is to create a multifunctional space that may be attractive to domestic and international conferences, events, exhibitions, where the needs of today will be met in a professional level. In addition, in the center regularly or occasionaly there will be held cultural and musical, civil, educational, municipal and private events. It will be built for the visitors of the Cultural and Conference Center a 200-seat two-level underground garage with direct connection, which provides secure parking for visitors and residents of Hévíz.
In North of the town is located Egregy where a nearly 5 acres municipality owned land can be found where the „Longlands” Sportcenter will be built. It is a general experience that Hévíz has not been able to utilize optimally its favorable conditions so far, on account of lack of quantitative and qualitative deficiencies of the sports facilities. The proposed sportcenter could open new gates for Hévíz in the international sports tourism, and of course the local and regional residents and sport clubs will also benefit from this modern sport facility.
The main elements of the proposed development of the Sportcenter:
- building of a utilities system, road paving, construction of car parks,
- 2 standard-size grass football fields with a grandstand and a service building,
- a new multifunctional sports hall with a-side football court, basketball-, volleyball-, and badminton courts.
The new designed Advanture and Sport Bath based on the draining away hot water of Lakle Hévíz would serve as of a nature of filling a long-felt gap for guests arriving at Hévíz and its neighbourhood the planned bath will provide good recreation and sporting facilities for visitors coming here without a purpuse of recovery moderating the current crowdedness of the Lake. So in this way we can concentrate on those guests who arrive hier for the welling up thermal water’s healing power and treatments based uponit. We are plenning to built not a newer domestic pleasure bath  which would join the line of those similar facilities operating more or less success, but building upon the natural conditions, expertise and unique atmosphere of the town which we would like to be reflected back in the formation of the new bath. We shall be creating our service of supply of Hévíz’ new trends of tourism, the complementing health sports and conference and party tourism aim groups in accord with which nevertheless will provide as a super entertainment facilitiy for the guest circle vacating on the shores of Lake Balaton, extending the Balaton season and ensuring a programme for those rainy and cool days. By doing so besides the general recreational and entertainment possibilities, the new establishment destined for providing a unique nowhere else int he county to be found professional infrastructure background for various swimming spots. In addition to the pleasure bath we are planning the development of a 50 meter long 10-lane swimmingpool adekuate to the international standard, make in it complete with grandstands, with which it could open up its gates for new target gruops. 
For the bath there is a 3,500 square meter built-in water surface being designed whiches bigger part would take up room within the indoor area, so it could be used all year around and thanks to the flow away hot water from the Hévíz Lake couls be operated economicly as well.
Building of a practice swimming pool
The elementary and first grade art school is attended by hundreds of students. As, the building of the school and arena have become aut of date it is difficoult and expensive to be operated by todays standards. Buta s a result of the planned developments a modern line of school buildings can be established which could be maintained and runned in an economic way. To the creation of all these the fallowing improvements are needed:
- the renovation of the schoolbuilding inside and outside by reinforcing of the supporting structure,
- the development of a 4-lane practising pool with a green top which would satisfy all regional needs,
- and, finally the utilisation of the green top as a school playing ground.
With the change of place of the bus station presently running in the next door neighbourhood of the historical center of the town. Valuable areas will be freed up which than could be re-weaven into the fabric of downtown. Hévíz up to this day has not got a central square which was close to the bath, the pedestrian streets and parking places which could at the same time surved as a pedestrian junction for the inhabitants and the arriving guests as well. The present day bus station is situated and connecting the thermal bath with the walking street and can be find at the intersection of the main roads. According to the plans the building of the bus station would have new functions which serve as home for the region exhibitions of the Hévíz Collection. And at the same time for the square the designed street furnitures would be reflecting the symbolism of the Festetics Heritage. Further more candelabrums open- air artworks and a central-piece fountain are also designed which all would provide an idyillic background for programmes orgenised around the open-air podium. Our main goal is the establishment of a humanitarian aestheticcally uniformed square which can actually be used by both the residance of Hévíz and spa visitors, as well. 
Due to the importance of Hévíz’ tourism the town is touched by approximatelly 80,000 local and long-distance buses used by about 2 millions passangers every year. At the present the Hévíz local bus and coach station is situated at the heart of the town, and such the arriving buses have to drive into town causing serious noise and pollution issues to the enviroment. Therefore the current bus station must be transfered into a more accessible place is, as it would reduce the bus-traffic going trough the town.The establishment of the new bus station will take place in the west part of town near the Alsopáhok-roundabout.
The development of the new bus station which’s realization is reinforced by the construction of the new by-pass roads comprised of the following elements:
- the building of a new six-bay bus station within the area of the Spar Supermarket at Alsopáhok on the western outskierts of the town,
- the construction of a modern practical and confortable station building,
- the introduction of an intelligent integrated passanger information service system for the handling of local buses and coaches,
- creation of a new „Park and Drive” 400 Room car park.
The launching time of the 21-stop local bus servic is planned to take place in 2014, which will connect the main traffic -points of the town. Among other things the new bus station with the bus center and the outskirts making sertain tourism-attractions and services becoming more available. 
The biggest successive parking place of the center of Hévíz is situated at the junction of several traffic-corridors and as an addition to the role of surving those arriving at downtown it does good service for the visitors of the near- by marketplace, as well. With respect to its situation and exploitedness we wish to keep the parking function of the square of the future too. However with its current condition it does not fit into the pictures of the historical town center. Since the bigger part of one-day tourists who come to visit Hévíz couse to park hier it was also suppose to fullfill its function of being a sort of junction for the tourism, as well. The main purpose of the entire construction is to put the car park and the enmeshing and sourrounding promenades in a better order, improving the conditions of parking istablishing of an aesthetic system of traffic which would possess the neccessery high standars to fit into the picture of the downtown of Hévíz.
On the edge of the historic town center in the immediate vicinity of the car meter zone with undiminished success, the Hévíz market place has been operating for many years where primarily it is the craftsmen and farmers from the neighbourhood who are selling their own products. The main selling space is placed inside of an old store-house beyond the open-air kiosks which is completed with a smaller fix tent and open-air stalls, as well. During wintertime one can also find hier an indoor icerink, which’s place is used by the sellers during the summertime also. According to our plans the small bad-conditioned and even asthetically inadequate tent would be replaced with a brand new open-air pavilion made in the spirit of the characteristic Hévízian woobuilding culture, as a memento of the Festetics Heritage, under which regular selling kiosks would be shaped out of, giving a fresh look to the entire market. Further more the pavement of the market place is also need to repaired in the fashion of the neighbouring car meter zone.
For many years we have contnously strived to give our town grow richer to have more and more actually utilisable and qualitative green surfaces and the development of locales suitable for sporting and recreational activities. But the developments of a leisure park with equal suitability for both organised and spontaneous sporting still has not come to realisation. We are planning to bring into existence a suberb sporting ground which would frame to the current infrastructure. So, one of our main aimes is the puting in order the sourroundings of the artificially- grassed football-pitch, thereby building a smaller communial park open to the public where all generations can find the neccessery conditions of profitable spartime activities.
For the achievements of the above goals the folloving improvements are needed:
- the renewal of the pedestrian route,
- the renovation of the paving of promenade,
- the building an open-air grandstand,
- building dressing rooms and equipments store rooms,
- creating further car parking places on the northen side of the region,
- the construction of a quialitative greensurface in the place of the presently unitilized 3,000 square meters area with outdoor fitness facilities for the use of all generations.
We are planning to built the stations of the cross in the sourroundings of the historical Churchyard Chapel of Hévíz Egregy which would have the 14 stations of the cross, starting from the bottom of the Churchyard. We shall place 3 crucifixes at the upper and of the stations of the cross, behind which by using the stone steps one can get to an ancient Arpad-age Temple. The building of the stations of the cross will be further refining the image of the renewing Egregy district. Giving not just an extra approachability to the Temple and the Churchyard, but weawing more new areas into the fabric of the town, with its new function of becoming an esplanade and beauty spot, at the same time. While at the lower section of the Calvary new car and bicycle stops will be created for arriving visitors - which will be completed with a rain-shelter. The building of the Calvary, the restoring of the Arpad-age temple and the settlement of the Churchyard will all contribute to the rehabilitation of the town district of Egregy. The Calvary itself will not only attract numerous tourists, but will create a new route between the levels of the lines of cellars of the Egregy vineyards, making the whole area becoming more accessible and its atmosphere more enjoyable.
After the fashion of last year’s renovation of the steps of Park Street, there is been designed the renovation of the paralelly proceeding stairs of Honvéd Street. In addition to this an aesthetic reconstruction, the driving of the used drainage thermal hot waters of the near by hotels underneath the tiling of the stairs, even in wintertime, we can provide a constant sliperrylessness  making the pedestrian traffic safer. This flight of stairs is functioning as an important pedestrian traffic corridor for both resindens and hotelguests, lack of which they where forced to make a serious detour on their way going to the central and the thermal bath and likewishe on the way returning to their accomodations.
In therms of reconstruction of the stairs the main elements of developments:
- the utitlization of the thermal hot water with the use of installing of a heat changing system,
- the renovation of the steps, giving a unified look to the whole area,
- the discharging and protection of the existent drinking water-, rainwater-, sevage canals, of the high voltage and telecommunications cabels and of public gas utilities – according to need -, as well,
- placing of new railings and building of a slope on the brink of the stairs,
- the placing of new energy saving and light pollution reducing LED lamps.
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